Det universelle nye skattesystem UnTS .
Skatteafregning i realtid og AI-verifikation kan transformere det globale skattelandskab og bidrage til forbedret velfærdslighed og sundhed i et retfærdigt og bæredygtigt samfund.
Det universelle nye skattesystem UnTS er et banebrydende revolutionært forenklet nyt skattesystem, designet til nutidens IT-digitalisering, der strømliner en dynamisk tilpasning til cloud computing med real-time AI skatteadministration.
Det universelle nye skattesystem UnTS er designet med en meget forenklet og brugervenlig skatteyderweb eller mobilapplikationer (app), som frigør skatteyderen fra skatteregnskab og skatteindberetning. Al skatteafregning foregår automatisk online i realtid på skattesystemets cloud-system. Alle forbrugsafgifter på varer og tjenesteydelser kan ændres i realtid af skattemyndighederne, hvilket gør det muligt for skattemyndighederne at reagere hurtigt på ændrede økonomiske og sociale forhold og sikre, at skattepolitikken altid er bedst tilpasset samfundet.
Det universelle nye skattesystem UnTS udveksler interoperable data i realtid og er designet til dynamisk at tilpasse sig de nye digitale muligheder med AI skatteadministration, hvor beskatning afregnes i realtid mellem skatteydere og de offentlige myndigheder.
Dette transformative skattesystem er designet til at opnå en balance mellem individuelle rettigheder og samfundsmæssige forpligtelser med det overordnede mål at fremme lighed , sundhed og velvære i et bæredygtigt samfund.
Det universelle nye skattesystem UnTS er designet med 2 skattekanaler:
- Skattekanal 1, opkræver skat af løn og privat indkomst eller beskatter kapitalindkomst eller yder refusion, som udføres i realtid på tidspunktet for overførsel til en anden skattekategori.
- Skattekanal 2 er designet til at pålægge skatter eller betale tilskud på varer og tjenesteydelser, til privat eller offentligt forbrug, som udføres i realtid på salgsstedet (POS).
Skattekanal 1 er opdelt i 3 skattekategorier, som hver har sin egen skatte- og refusionssats:
- Skattekategori 1: Privat- og lønindkomst.
- Skattekategori 2 : Kapitalopsparing og private boliger.
- Skattekategori 3: Erhvervsdrift og investeringer.
Skattekanal 1
Skattekanal 2
Skattekanal 2 til forbrugsbeskatning eller tilskud til køb af varer og ydelser, som afregnes i realtid som unikke adfærdssatser, der aggregeres i en databatch for hver vare eller ydelse. Hver skattesats eller tilskud kan reguleres individuelt i realtid inden for en fastsat politisk ramme.
Individuelle justerbare skattesatser og tilskud
er aggregerede i en databatch.
Forskellige unikke skatte- eller tilskudssatser, der pålægges hver vare eller tjenesteydelse, der er grundlaget for beskatning eller tilskud, når en vare eller tjenesteydelse overføres fra virksomhed til privat eller offentlig brug.
Denne innovative strømlining af skattesystemet giver skattemyndighederne fleksible muligheder for at regulere forbrugerbeskatning eller tilskud i realtid. Forbrugsbeskatning eller tilskud kan målrettes mod en sundere livsstil, lighed og velfærd. Resultaterne af ændrede skattesatser eller tilskud vil løbende blive analyseret og justeret i realtid.
1. De enkelte unikke afgiftssatser eller tilskud aggregeres i et produktdatabatch med et datafelt, der indeholder summen af skatter og tilskudssatser, således at summen af de unikke satser kan afregnes i realtid, hver gang et produkt eller en ydelse sælges til privat eller offentligt forbrug.
2. Salgssystemerne tilføjer automatisk forbrugsafgiften i realtid på salgsstedet (POS) og overfører afgiften til virksomhedens skattekonto og nettoomsætningsbeløbet til virksomhedens salgskonto på UnTS skyskattesystemet.
Salg mellem virksomheder er uden forbrugsafgift, men UnTS’ cloud-system opdaterer lager, både hos sælger og køber.
3. Importafgiften er et selvstændigt datafelt i produktdatabatchen og bruges, når import- eller eksportafgiften afregnes ved toldgrænsen. Regulering af toldtariffer kan justeres i realtid i henhold til de besluttede politiske rammer for import- og eksportafgifter eller subsidier. Af hensyn til virksomhedernes import- og eksportdispositioner vil en ændring af toldsatserne blive varslet rettidigt.
4. Stregkode, QR-koder eller NFC bruges til at søge og videresende produkt- og serviceoplysninger til andre systemer, fx til toldafregning, betaling og fakturering samt produktinformation. Scanning af varenummeret som stregkode, QR-koder eller NFC, foretager et opslag i salgsstedets (POS) varedatabase, som er synkroniseret med afgiftstakstdatabasen på UnTS cloud-system.
Salgsstedsafgiftstaksten er altid aktuelle data i realtid, mens ordre-, fakturerings- og betalingsmeddelelser er analoge med aftalte data.
5. UnTS-afgiftssystemet har et altomfattende vare- og serviceregister, hvorfra de enkelte virksomheder danner deres eget produktdataregister, som omfatter de varer og tjenesteydelser, de sælger og lagerfører.
Det omfattende vare- og serviceregister indeholder alle nødvendige produktoplysninger, afgiftssatser og tilskud. Salgsprisen er ikke inkluderet, medmindre der er en lovbestemt fast pris. Virksomhederne overfører kun produktdata om de varer og tjenester, de sælger og lagerfører, til deres eget produktregister i deres eget dataområde UnTS cloud-system.
Datafelter for produkter eller tjenester:
1-Startkode: 2-Oprindelseslande: 3-Produktkoder HS: toldtarif: 4-Producentnr.: 5-Produktgruppe: 6-Produktnummer: 7-Produktnavn: 8-Servicegruppe: 9-Service nummer: 10-Servicenavn: 11-Importland: 12- importafgifter: 13-miljøafgift/tilskud 14-sundhedsafgift/tilskud: 15- genanvendelsesafgift/tilskud: 16-klimaafgift/tilskud: 17- holdbarhedsafgift/tilskud: 18- sikkerhedsafgift/tilskud: 19-offentlige tilskud i %: 20-offentligt tilskudsområde: 21- offentlig tilskudsgruppe: 22-oplysninger om produktet: 23-Prisen på produktet eller ydelsen uden skatter/tilskud: 24-Den samlede pris for produktet eller tjenesten med afgifter/tilskud.
6, Denne forenkling af beskatningen af varer og tjenesteydelser opnås ved at adskille ikke-beskattede midler i erhvervslivet fra beskattede midler til privat eller offentlig brug, hvilket resulterer i fuldstændig afskaffelse af merværdibeskatning mellem erhvervsdrivende. Denne kontrol af adfærdsregulerende forbrugerafgifter eller tilskud afregnes automatisk af salgsstedet (POS) systemet, når salget går fra erhverv til privat eller offentlig brug, hvilket kan give store økonomiske besparelser for både forbrugeren, virksomhederne og skatten. myndigheder, hvilket vil kunne give lavere priser og omkostninger i hele økonomien.
7. I tilfælde af stigende priser på varer eller tjenesteydelser, der ændrer sig i salgsstedets åbningstid, bør der være en passende tidsforsinkelse mellem opdateringen af informationsmediet og den pris, der betales i salgsstedets (POS) terminal . Tidsforsinkelsen skal forhindre kunden i at opleve én pris på informationsmediet (skilte eller hyldefronter) og en højere pris på salgsstedet (POS). Ændringer i skattesatser eller tilskud bør kun foretages én gang om dagen.
8. Leverede og fakturerede varer eller ydelser til privat eller offentligt forbrug beskattes på betalingstidspunktet, de gældende afgifter overføres i realtid til salgsselskabets UnTS skattekonto, samtidig er nettoprisen på produktet eller ydelsen overført til virksomhedens UnTS salgskonto.
Import- eller eksportafgift og eksporttilskud afregnes i realtid ved toldgrænsen:
9. Importafgifter, sikkerhedsafgift og eksportstøtte skal beskytte miljøet, velstanden og sikre den indenlandske produktion. Eksportstøtte kan bruges til velfærdsfremmende og miljøvenlige produkter. Bilaterale aftaler, handelsbalance, produktionsmetoder, overholdelse af menneskerettigheder, miljøpåvirkning og eksportsubstitution af eksportlandet kan have indflydelse på niveauet for importafgift og sikkerhedsafgift.
Import- eller eksportafgifter eller subsidier afregnes i realtid ved toldgrænsen og beregnes i henhold til gældende tarif, som er indlejret i et datafelt i det aktuelle produktdatabatch. Den procentvise afgift eller tilskud kan vedrøre individuelle varer, produktgrupper, producenter eller efter oprindelsesland.
Toldangivelse og afregning sker i realtid af toldmyndighederne, ved at scanne QR-koderne på forsendelsesdokumentet, hvis forsendelsesdokumenterne ikke har QR-koder, skal importøren eller eksportøren udfylde tolddokumenterne i det universelle nye skattesystem UnTS før produkterne kan frigives.
Forbud eller skat pålagt ved import eller eksport af produkter produceret under forhold, der ikke opfylder de globale demokratiske mål om beskyttelse af miljø, velfærd og menneskerettigheder. Forbuddet eller afregningen af skat sker i realtid ved landegrænsen eller for indenlandske virksomheder i tilfælde af råstofudvinding og tungtvejende bekymrende produktion. Forbuddet eller afgiften pålægges både udenlandske og indenlandske virksomheder, med en vægt der fremmer det globale, miljø, lighed, velfærd, demokrati og menneskerettigheder. Den procentvise afgift eller tilskud kan vedrøre individuelle varer, produktgrupper, producenter eller efter oprindelsesland.
Forbrugsafgift eller tilskud afregnes i realtid på salgsstedet (POS).
Formålet med miljøafgiften er at minimere belastningen af landets og det globale miljø og samtidig fremme miljøvenlige produkter. Udnyttelse af naturressourcer og andre miljøskadelige faktorer i produktionslandet er underlagt miljøafgift. Miljøafgifter eller tilskud kan vedrøre indenlandsk salg af varer og tjenesteydelser samt eksport. Afgiften eller tilskuddet afregnes i realtid og kan vedrøre individuelle varer, produktgrupper, producenter, underleverandører og efter oprindelsesland.
Formålet med sundhedsafgiften er at fremme folkesundheden. En øget afgift på usunde fødevarer og indførelse af en tilstrækkelig lav pris eller tilskud på sundhedsfremmende fødevarer, som øger folkesundheden og reducerer sundhedsomkostningerne, samt fremmer den indenlandske produktion af sunde fødevarer. Sundhedsafgiften eller tilskuddet afregnes i realtid og kan indføres på enkelte produkter, produktgrupper, producenter, underleverandører eller efter oprindelsesland.
Genbrugsafgiften har til formål at fremme genanvendeligheden ved at pålægge en øget afgift på ikke-genanvendelige produkter og en lavere afgift på produkter designet til nem genanvendelse. Denne strategi minimerer miljøpåvirkningen, sparer på råvareudvinding, reducerer nationale omkostninger, øger den indenlandske beskæftigelse og opretholder overkommelige priser. Genbrugsafgiften eller tilskuddet afregnes i realtid og kan indføres på enkelte produkter, produktgrupper, producenter, underleverandører eller efter oprindelsesland.
Formålet med klimaafgiften er at beskytte naturen ved at beskatte forurenede og klimabelastende produkter, samtidig med at afgifterne på miljøvenlige alternativer nedsættes. Denne skattestrategi kan reducere nationale omkostninger, inspirere til udvikling af klimavenlige produkter og minimere miljøskader. Afgiften eller tilskuddet afregnes i realtid og kan indføres på enkelte produkter, produktgrupper, producenter, underleverandører eller efter oprindelsesland.
Formålet med Bæredygtighedsafgiften er at forlænge produktets levetid og reducere forbruget af naturressourcer. Det pålægger højere afgifter på produkter med et højt ressource-til-liv-forhold og lavere afgifter på højkvalitets produkter med lang levetid, som er modulære og nemme at reparere. Bæredygtighedsafgiften eller tilskuddet afregnes i realtid og kan indføres på individuelle produkter, produktgrupper, producenter, underleverandører eller efter oprindelsesland.
Subsidies to citizens or public institutions are automatically settled in real time when purchasing eligible products, provided that the data batch belonging to the purchased product contains a subsidy percentage.
The UnTS cloud tax system is set up with a subsidy account for each citizen or public institution, which contains subsidy codes for subsidy-eligible products as well as the balance indicating the sum of the subsidies granted.
When purchasing products, UnTS activates a transfer of the subsidy amount from the subsidy account in the UnTS cloud system, the amount is calculated according to the set percentage for the purchased product, whereby the net price is reduced accordingly.
This simple way of paying subsidies in real time when purchasing eligible products ensures that subsidies are only paid for products that are eligible for subsidies to the citizen or public institution in question. If the granted subsidy amount is not used, the remaining amount will be carried over to the next period.
The subsidy recipient identifies themselves based on the citizen’s or public institution’s ID card, which is supplemented by a requirement for biometric authentication.
General grants may be granted automatically based on age, dependents and income, while more special grants require individual allocation, e.g. based on medical certificates and for public institutions after individual allocation or group allocation.
10. Integrationen af det universelle nye skattesystem UnTS med reduceret skat eller tilskud til privat eller offentligt forbrug, er en banebrydende innovation udviklet til IT-sky og AI-teknologi. UnTS sikrer et strømlinet skattesystem, der fungerer i realtid, hvilket er en velfærdsfremmende innovation for både skatteyderne og det offentlige skattevæsen.
Med det universelle nye skattesystem UnTS’ finansielle navigation, AI-kontrolsystemer og en mulig overgang til et kontantløst samfund, vil skatteadministrative byrder blive væsentligt minimeret for offentlige skattemyndigheder og helt fritaget for private skatteydere og de fleste virksomheder. Virksomheder med skattefri opbevaring af produkter vil være forpligtet til at tilslutte sig det universelle nye skattesystem UnTS’ modul, beregnet til lagerstyring med AI-kontrol. For virksomheder kan der være behov for at koble virksomhedens administrations- og salgssystemer til UnTS API integration.
Aktiveringsmuligheder i skattewebapp eller mobilapp.
Profilopsætning i skattewebapp eller mobilapp.
Brugergrænsefladen (UI) i det universelle nye skattesystem UnTS’ skatte- og administrationssystem er designet med profilopsætning, som forenkler og kun udvælger nødvendige moduler for brugeren. For virksomheder med skattefrit varelager tilføjes et lagerstyringsmodul og for import- og eksportvirksomheder kan der vælges et toldmodul.
I profilopsætning kan moduler initialiseres til:
Privat borger 2. Foreninger.3. Offentlige institutioner. 4. Indenlandske erhvervsvirksomheder. 5. Multinationale virksomheder 6. Virksomhed med skattefri lageropbevaring. 7. Import- og eksportvirksomheder.
The universal new tax system UnTS’s app will then only activate the associated modules and initialize them with ID data, which is transferred automatically from personal or company registers. At the same time, a tax account is created as a lifelong account linked to a bank account in the taxpayer’s private bank.
Companies can activate a storage module where all the company’s assets, sales of products and services are registered.
If the company has the universal new tax system UnTS’ app installed on a desktop, tablet and smartphone, tax settlements and updating the company’s inventory management will automatically be updated in UnTS’ Cloud system in real time.
Taxpayers can activate secure online bank payments through the universal new tax system UnTS, which only allows online bank transfers to account numbers that the bank has guaranteed are secure, or the taxpayer himself has entrusted transactions from the online bank account. Read more.
The universal new tax system UnTS gives taxpayers access to an overview of tax calculations and other relevant tax information. Users can monitor their financial balance and settlements with the government in real time.
The universal new tax system UnTS.
The universal new tax system (UnTS) that settles and AI controls tax in real time, transforms the global tax landscape!
Globally applied tax systems are extensive, complex and unmanageable bureaucratic systems, structurally designed in an era when paper tax reporting was used. The new universal tax system UnTS has been developed as a simplified dynamic basic tax system that is designed for digital Internet technology that calculates and transfers tax in real time and uses artificial intelligence for fair real-time tax control.
All statutory payments and subsidies between taxpayers and public authorities are carried out online in real time on the public cloud system UnTS.
No value added taxation between companies, taxation of company profits only occurs when transferred to another tax category. Profits can be invested tax-free as long as the profits remain in tax category 3 for investment and business capital. Consumption tax is settled in real time when products are sold from business to private or public use.
UnTS’ 2 tax channels:
Tax channel 1 for private income and wealth and business taxation.
- Advantages of settling private income and capital and business taxation in real time:
- for taxation of private income and capital and company profits:
- Simplified personal income and capital and corporate profit taxation, divided into three tax categories, which completes taxation with real-time transactions.
- Tax-free investment or savings for a private home, retirement and business establishment or investment.
Tax channel 2 designated for settlement of consumption taxation and subsidies.
- Calculating consumption taxation and subsidies in real time.
- The consumption tax or subsidy is settled in the sales system (POS), which is online with the public cloud system UnTS.
- Consumer behavior can be influenced in real time by regulating different tax rates or subsidies when purchasing goods and services.
- Consumption discounts or subsidies, when purchasing goods and services for citizens and public institutions, can be targeted at specific income groups or institutions based on the ID on the payment medium.
Import and export control:
- Taxes or subsidies are settled automatically in real time upon border crossing.
Advantages of using automatic tax and tax settlements with real-time AI control:
- User terminals with taxpayer app connected online to the tax authorities’ cloud system, which also settles tax and subsidies in real time with AI control.
- The cloud system supports all statutory deposits and withdrawals, which are carried out automatically in real time via a tax account linked to the taxpayer’s private bank account.
- Settlement of tax and subsidies in real time, with AI control, eliminates the need for additional reports and post-calculations. This provides a comprehensive reduction of administrative burdens for both tax authorities and taxpayers.
- Real-time tax payment and AI control will be able to fight non-payment, tax evasion, money laundering and corruption.
- Overall, the universal new tax system UnTS is a revolutionary innovation in public administration that streamlines tax processes and promotes financial transparency for citizens, businesses and public institutions.
The universal new tax system UnTS.
The Universal New Tax System (UnTS) introduces a real-time, AI-supported tax and subsidy framework that could dramatically transform the economic landscape. By shifting from traditional, post-calculated tax processes to a digital, real-time model, UnTS modernizes taxation and subsidies, bringing multiple benefits for taxpayers, governments, and the economy as a whole.
The key economic implications of implementing the UnTS:
- Efficiency and Reduced Administrative Burden:
The UnTS system leverages cloud computing, the Internet, and AI to automate tax calculations and settlements in real-time. This real-time automation eliminates the need for tax reporting and post-calculation, drastically reducing administrative burdens on both taxpayers and tax authorities. Companies save resources otherwise spent on tax compliance, while tax authorities can reallocate resources away from manual processing towards other economic functions. - Enhanced Compliance and Reduced Tax Evasion:
The use of AI control in real-time tax processing makes it harder to evade taxes, addressing issues like non-payment, tax evasion, and money laundering. By removing opportunities for these activities, UnTS could increase overall tax compliance and contribute to more stable revenue streams for governments. Increased compliance also improves fiscal transparency, making it easier for policymakers to allocate funds effectively. - Dynamic Tax Policy Adaptation:
With real-time data and AI, tax authorities can quickly respond to changes in economic and social conditions by adjusting tax and subsidy rates for goods and services. For instance, if a public health issue arises, the health tax can be immediately applied or increased on products that contribute to the problem, while subsidies on healthier alternatives can be introduced. This adaptability fosters a responsive, agile economic policy framework. - Reduction of VAT Between Companies:
Under UnTS, value-added taxes (VAT) are eliminated for business-to-business transactions, with taxes only applied when goods or services transition from business to private or public use. This could reduce costs throughout the supply chain, making goods and services more affordable for end consumers. It also simplifies financial transactions between businesses, potentially boosting business activity and collaboration across sectors. - Incentives for Sustainable Consumption and Production:
UnTS is designed with various environmentally and socially motivated taxes and subsidies—such as environmental, health, recycling, climate, and sustainability taxes. These taxes can be automatically adjusted in real-time, incentivizing the production and consumption of eco-friendly and health-promoting products. For example, higher taxes on non-recyclable products could shift demand toward recyclable options, thereby promoting sustainability and reducing environmental impacts. - Balanced Welfare and Income Equality:
The real-time calculation and application of consumption taxes and subsidies allow for direct support to low-income individuals, potentially lowering their costs on essential goods and services. This could enhance welfare and support income equality by providing tailored subsidies at the point of sale for qualifying individuals. Additionally, the progressive structuring of income, capital, and business taxation under UnTS supports a balanced welfare approach. - Streamlined International Trade and Customs Control:
UnTS also simplifies import and export taxation by settling these taxes at customs in real time. This innovation reduces delays in trade processes and allows for dynamic, real-time adjustments to tariffs in response to geopolitical or economic shifts. The capability to impose taxes based on the product’s country of origin or production practices supports ethical trade practices, like human rights compliance, and reduces trade friction. - Economic Growth Through Simplified Business Investments:
By taxing company profits only when transferred to personal or private accounts, UnTS allows businesses to reinvest profits in expansion and innovation without immediate tax implications. This model can stimulate economic growth by encouraging companies to reinvest earnings, spurring business growth and job creation. - Facilitates Transition to a Cashless Society:The digital nature of UnTS aligns well with a cashless economic model, enabling tax and subsidy transactions directly through digital banking systems. This shift can enhance financial security, increase transaction speed, and reduce the costs associated with cash handling.
In sum, the Universal New Tax System (UnTS) could transform taxation into a more equitable, efficient, and adaptable mechanism for managing public revenue, incentivizing sustainable behaviors, and promoting overall economic welfare. By enhancing compliance, minimizing administrative costs, and fostering a balanced approach to income and consumption taxes, UnTS could be a vital step toward a more transparent and fair economic structure.
1. What is the main purpose of the universal new tax system UnTS?
- Answer: The main purpose of is to create a real-time and simplified fair tax system that purposefully promotes equality, health and welfare in a sustainable society. The simple dynamic design of UnTS is designed to adapt to future digital and AI development of the tax system, and ensure a balance between individual rights and societal obligations.
2. How does the universal new tax system UnTS ensure socially fair taxation?
- Answer: Socially fair taxation is achieved by a balance between tax-free basic income and a flat gross taxation as well as income-based subsidies based on personal basic needs.
- By setting the tax-free basic income at an amount that completely exempts low-income groups from income tax and at the same time reduces taxation or subsidies aimed at the purchase of healthy food and basic needs for housing and personal necessities, UnTS will thereby be able to create a reasonable social balance that works in real time .
- Subsidies for goods and services as well as housing and personal necessities are made automatically upon acquisition according to the person’s financial status, which follows the person’s ID in real time.
3. How does the universal new tax system UnTS achieve real-time adaptation to changing economic and social conditions?
- Answer: The universal new tax system UnTS achieves real-time adaptation by dynamically adjusting tax rates. This flexibility enables tax authorities to respond quickly to changing economic and social conditions and ensure that tax policy is in line with society’s needs.
4. How does the universal new tax system UnTS simplify the taxation of goods and services?
- Answer: The universal new tax system UnTS simplifies the taxation of goods and services by aggregating taxes and information for each product or service in a unique data batch. This batch is used for real-time taxation when goods and services are transferred from companies to individuals.
- Imported goods are subject to import duty, which is paid by the importing company before the products can be delivered to the company, the products will then be taxed under the same conditions as domestically produced products. In case of re-export, the paid import tax is refunded.
- Businesses must add the products to their inventory and private consumer must pay import and domestic consumption tax before the product can be released to the individual consumer.
5. How does the universal new tax system UnTS protect against competition from imported products that are substituted or if the production is harmful to the local or global environment?
- Answer: Products imported from the countries that are subsidized or produced under environmental and other burdensome conditions may be subject to an import ban or appropriate high tax. This applies to both companies and private consumers.
6. How does the universal new tax system UnTS ensures that tax is paid in real time for private online trading?
- Answer: When domestic business operators receive payment by credit card or bank transfer from private customers for products or services, the tax is calculated according to the sum of all taxes in the data batch, and the total sum of all taxes will be transferred to the public account for the company’s taxes and the remaining amount will be deposited on the company’s bank account.
- The data batch follows invoicing and payments as QR data, the data content of which can be scanned and forwarded to other systems. UnTS automatically updates the company’s inventory. When importing, the importer must complete the import declaration himself, if the exporter is not approved and uses UnTS QR codes for goods and services.
7. How does the universal new tax system UnTS ensure that tax is paid for private individuals’ foreign online shopping?
- Answer:The universal new tax system UnTS calculates tax for foreign e-commerce according to the same method as domestic e-commerce, if the foreign online store is registered in UnTS, and taxes and import tariffs are calculated automatically. If the foreign exporter is not UnTS registered, the buyer must himself enter product information with an international tariff code.
- The universal new tax system UnTS calculates a total tax and import duty for each good or service. The total tax amount is transferred from the buyer’s tax account in UnTS to the publicly connected tax account, the remaining amount is transferred to the seller’s foreign bank account for the webshop.
8. How do you ensure correct stock registration of goods and services when buying and selling business-to-business?
Answer: Goods and services business-to-consumer and business-to-business transactions must be registered with their own data batch number. The universal new tax system UnTS‘ storage module automatically registers arrivals and departures, both when transitioning to private, public institutions and for companies.
9. Question How can the security tax be administered and collected?
- The companies manage products subject to security tax in the stock control system and tax is settled in real time when the stock is updated. The tax or ban must make companies change their behavior and choose other products that are not burdensome..
10. How does the universal new tax system UnTS avoid transfer pricing and profit shifting on imported goods and services?
- Answer: Multinational companies pay tax on the difference between a basic and invoiced price when exporting or importing to/from an economically connected foreign company.
- AI calculates base prices and incorporates them into data batches, preventing transfer pricing and profit shifting.
- For export, tax 3 is paid on the difference if the selling price is below the current base price.
- When importing, tax 3 is paid on the difference if the purchase price is above the current base price.
11. How does the universal new tax system UnTS‘ tax capital gains earned by multinational corporations?
- Answer: Profits earned on business investment are tax-free if they remain in the domestic business or are used for further investments. Tax is paid when profits are transferred abroad after taxation of business and investments tax category 3 or according to a bilateral agreement with the recipient country or a separate agreement with the individual multinational company.
12. How does the universal new tax system UnTS‘ tax capital gains earned in foreign investments?
- Answer: Private investments abroad: Foreign investments are considered business investment, therefore private individuals must first transfer the capital they wish to invest to Investment and business capital tax category tax-3. which means that the amount is added to the private tax paid. When the transferred capital is invested abroad, taxation will be processed and taxed according to rules that apply to business investments abroad tax category tax-3.
- Business investments abroad: Repatriation of the invested amount can be transferred tax-free to tax category 3 and profits that are repatriated pay tax according to tax category 3, losses cannot be offset against other domestic business capital, but losses can be offset against profits from foreign investments. Earned foreign stock dividends or capital gains or profits on investments are taxed when they are transferred from tax category 3 to privately taxed capital Tax category 1 – tax 1.
13. How does the universal new tax system UnTS‘ tax investments and the use of cryptocurrency as a means of payment?
- Answer: Private capital in tax ategory 1 must first be transferred to is separate sub-account intended for cryptocurrency in tax category-3 before cryptocurrency can be bought. The amount transferred to the sub-account can be returned tax-free to private capital Tax category 1. Profits earned on crypto-investments can be deposited as company capital tax category 3 which is only taxed when transferred to privately taxed capital tax category 1. Losses on crypto-investments will be offset against the balance of the profits in the account for cryptocurrencies and cannot be offset against the account for other business capital. In the case of commercial use of cryptocurrency for the purchase and sale of products and services, the amounts must be updated in the universal new tax system UnTS ‘ business category-3, according to current tax rules for cryptocurrency.
14. What is the role of AI in the regulation of the universal new tax system UnTS‘ tax rates and overall administration?
- Answer: AI dynamically adjusts tax rates in real-time to align with societal goals. AI control systems monitor transactions in real-time, allowing for proactive alerts to prevent tax evasion and corruption.
- AI plays a crucial role in regulating of the universal new tax system UnTS‘ tax rates in real time, assisting in fulfilling society’s objectives. The AI control system aids in promoting health, environmental goals, equality, global peace, and freedom by adjusting tax rates dynamically.
15. How is the universal new tax system UnTS integrated with public services and subsidies?
- Answer: The Universal New Tax System UnTS integrates with public services and subsidies through unique identifiers in data batches for each product or service. These identifiers allocate subsidies to selected population groups, facilitating targeted public subsidies and efficient resource allocation.
16. How can the universal new tax system UnTS reduce the public’s and citizens’ healthcare costs and at the same time prevent and improve the general state of health of the country’s population?
- Answer: The Universal New Tax System UnTS enables dynamic real-time adjustment of tax rates on unhealthy foods to promote a health-promoting lifestyle. This can minimize healthcare costs and improve the overall health of the population.
- The universal new tax system UnTS can introduce taxes or subsidies in real time on all goods and services which aim to influence a health-promoting lifestyle. An evaluation will, within a very short time, be able to measure the impact on the purchase of healthy food and, in the longer term, on the population’s general state of health as well as the minimization of healthcare costs.
17. How can the universal new tax system UnTS change the unhealthy lifestyle where ultra-processed foods, with added unhealthy ingredients, lead to obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer, etc.?
- Throughout life, a healthy lifestyle is important: The universal new tax system UnTS can target tax rates and subsidies that promote healthy lifestyles, thereby making it possible to prevent and limit lifestyle diseases in the population in a timely manner. The gain by ensuring a high state of health in the population and a life with a high quality of life, will be able to reduce health expenses and increase the income level and the country’s production, which will be the basis for a reduction in the total tax payment.
18. What advantages does the universal new tax system UnTS offer to taxpayers and public authorities?
- Answer: The universal new tax system UnTS offers real-time dynamic adjustment of tax rates, a user-friendly tax and administration APP, a central database with a connected lifetime account, simplified taxation, real-time financial navigation, integration with public services, reduced administrative burdens, and promotion of equality.
19. How does the universal new tax system UnTS detect attempts at tax evasion and corruption?
- Answer: The universal new tax system UnTS uses AI control algorithms to detect tax evasion and corruption by scanning all transactions in real-time. Proactive alerts are sent to taxpayers to prevent potential fraudulent activities.
20. How does the universal new tax system UnTS address tax evasion by individuals?
- Answer: UnTS utilizes AI control algorithms for real-time financial navigation to automatically detect and prevent tax evasion attempts by individuals.